Shots today feature the 'Hall of Pleasures', where you'll briefly stop off in pursuit of your enemy. It uses the Estate tileset to make a giant demonic palace, with exterior views- we're adding more complicated lighting, so it will look less starkly red.
Daernvan, the paladin companion, is also featured. We wanted to get away from the 'typical' paladin- this is a man whose idea of 'lawful good' has been stretched to the limits, manning an abandoned Neverwinter colonial post by himself out of a sense of duty.
Also a few shots of the 'Neverwhen' major time-travel sidequest...you'll get to go back to the just-founded Neverwinter Docks (we thought a bit of a 'Wild West' feel) and help your future fellow hero out by stopping an Old One attack hoping to retrieve a certain artifact....